Students will love being exposed to a variety of composers, and there is none more important than J.S. Bach for learning about the Baroque Era. You will find many more ideas for music lesson plans in our composers series of printable worksheets.

Design a Facebook profile for J.S. Bach. You’ll want to include some basic information like when his birthday is, his relationship status and Relgious Views, “Personal Information” (Contact details, Education and Work), “Friends” (any significant people who lived at the same time as Bach) and create some “Groups” that Bach may have belonged to. Finish it off with a photo found on the internet. If you don’t want to use Facebook you could always design a passport or other similar document for Bach.

Imagine that you could invite J.S. Bach over for coffee. Have the students write down a few questions that they would like to ask him about his music, his era or anything else. Have a class discussion on what the answers would be or choose a student to be Bach and ask them some of the questions. For an extra special addition to this activity, have the class bring in some gingerbread or other traditional German snack to share.

Have the class do some research to find a art work on the internet that was painted in J.S. Bach’s era. Do some research to find some of the ways that the art work reflects the same Baroque style that Bach’s music does.