What age levels are this suitable for?

This module is designed for Junior high school level (Ages 12-14), but it can easily be used for other age levels. In the lesson plan ideas you’ll find both ideas for younger students and ideas for older students. It is up to you to pick and choose what is most appropriate for your teaching situation.

2020-10-10T09:07:44+00:00By |0 Comments

Are there included recordings?

No – this product includes printable materials and powerpoint presentations only. If we were to seek out the rights to distribute recordings of each one of these artists the product would probably cost ten times the amount it does now. What we can do is provide links to freely available recordings on YouTube, and links

2020-10-10T09:06:37+00:00By |0 Comments

Do I have to know anything about Jazz?

Absolutely not! Hopefully we’ve made these worksheets as easy to use as possible, so that they can be used straight “out of the box” and even given to substitute teachers who know nothing about music. Even if you do have a good knowledge of jazz styles and jazz musicians these worksheets will help you as

2020-10-10T09:05:43+00:00By |0 Comments
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