Is there any use in students spending time playing computer music games?

Parents and teachers are constantly thinking about this: At what point is a computer game educational, and at what point is it just entertainment? Are those games really worth spending our hard earned money, time and energy on? In Music there are all kinds of games: Some of the music games which are available today

2010-03-12T00:17:48+00:00By |Comments Off on Is there any use in students spending time playing computer music games?

Motivating Students with Games

There is something about the word “game” that motivates children and adults alike. When you say  “lets do some work now” how does that compare to “lets play a game now” – I’m sure you’ll agree the differences in enthusiasm are enormous.  I am excited to tell you that there is an excellent article called "Come Play"

2008-04-02T09:22:59+00:00By |1 Comment
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