Lesson planning ideas about the Harp

Here's just a few ideas for writing a music lesson plan about the Harp. Discuss the effect of string length on pitch. Have the students guess if longer or shorter strings will produce higher or lower sounds. Here is an interesting question to discuss with your students: Why do we use the word “high” to

2010-03-14T06:59:31+00:00By |0 Comments

Classroom Music ideas for teaching about the flute and piccolo

The Flute and Piccolo are important instruments to learn about in music class, but no so easy if you can’t play them yourself, so here is a few ideas to get you started. This is part of a lesson plan from the fun music company all about orchestral instruments. High or Low Game: Sing or

2010-03-13T20:30:40+00:00By |Comments Off on Classroom Music ideas for teaching about the flute and piccolo

Learn about the Symphony Orchestra in Music Class

Here are a few ideas for lesson planning a lesson all about a Symphony Orchestra Arrange the student's seats as if they were an orchestra. Place the names of instruments on the appropriate desks, or affix name stickers to individual students. Allow students to be different instruments on different days. Have a class discussion about

2010-03-13T01:24:51+00:00By |Comments Off on Learn about the Symphony Orchestra in Music Class

Lesson planning ideas for learning about the clarinet

Here are a few lesson planning ideas that you can use when learning about the clarinet in the music class. You can Make rudimentary single-reed instruments. Gather the following pieces of paper and plastic combs, about 5cm x 5cm (two inches by two inches) To play it simply place the paper on the comb in

2010-03-11T20:18:22+00:00By |Comments Off on Lesson planning ideas for learning about the clarinet

Learning about the Harp in music class

These are just a few ideas for writing a music lesson plan about the Harp. Have a look at the length of the string, and discus the effect on its pitch Have the students guess if longer or shorter strings will produce higher or lower sounds. Ponder this with your students: Why do you think

2010-03-10T06:57:57+00:00By |0 Comments

How to have a lesson about a classical orchestra

This is a few lesson plan ideas that you can use when learning about the Symphony Orchestra Arrange the student's seats as if they were an orchestra. Place the names of instruments on the the students desks, or affix name stickers to individual students. Allow students to be different instruments on different days. Discuss different

2010-03-09T01:07:47+00:00By |Comments Off on How to have a lesson about a classical orchestra
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