Eat, sleep, teach music, repeat…For most this is the treadmill of teaching life we start to settle into at this time of the year!  But when was the last time you looked at what’s ACTUALLY working? Especially with behaviour management? 

In this episode, I’m breaking down the philosophy of the three S’s you need to ask yourself to determine if you’re stuck in your comfort zone or if you’re trying to change.  

And , If you’re struggling with keeping your music classes under control or seeking a fresh start, this episode of the Music Teachers Spark is a must-listen for you!

PLUS, I’ll give you tangible tips on how to break free from all the predictable obstacles and get you enjoying your LOUDEST classes. Click play now – just by listening, you’re one step further on your journey toward impactful music teaching.

If you enjoy this podcast, please give us a five-star rating and review on iTunes, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts, and invite your friends and colleagues to join us

Here are the all  links discussed in today’s podcast: 

The Taylor Swift Story is here:

The Dr Bill Rogers Behaviour management video is here:

The Fun Music Behaviour Management video tutorial and and PDF Classroom strategy is here:

Get the full K-6 Fun Music programs here:

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Enjoy & Let me know your thoughts!