Want a Music Joke for Every Occasion?

If you’re teaching music, one thing you NEED is a sense of humor! Unfortunately we’re not all born as gifted comedians, so the rest of us need to get consistent, regular help to find funny (and clean!) jokes for those lighter moments. Thats what this mailing list is here for. We give you one new music-related joke in your inbox every day!

Enter your details here to join the Music Joke of the Day email list. This is a 100% FREE service from the Fun Music Company

Please Note: You are subscribing to DAILY music jokes emails for one year. You can unsubscribe at any time.

We value your privacy and would never spam you

We’ve collected 365 Simple, easy to remember (and clean) jokes that are suitable for music teachers.
Samples are below:

The Fun Music Company offers no warranties or guarantees that the jokes on this list are suitable for you! We make every effort to ensure that the jokes are “clean”, but as everyone is teaching in different situations it is very important to use your discretion on when to use them.