Classroom Music Games – Dice Rhythm Game

Find some small round tokens, about the size of a large coin. On each token draw or print a combination of notes…i.e. 3 quarter notes, a whole note, a dotted half plus a whole…any combination up to a value of 10. Create approximately 50 tokens, with values from 1 count to 10 counts. To play

2010-03-15T06:42:34+00:00By |0 Comments

Classroom Games for Music Lessons – Four Corners.

This is a game that was submitted for our substitute lessons ebook Instrument 4 Corners For this game you will need four posters which represent the strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion instrument families of the orchestra. Then you play an orchestral CD and when the students hear the instrument, they decide which instrument family it 

2010-03-11T06:00:33+00:00By |0 Comments
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