Learn by doing – lesson ideas for learing about brass instruments.

There are a few music lesson plan activities you can do which will make learning about Brass instruments in the music class lots of fun The students can make simple brass instruments. You will need a sharp knife or scissors and large plastic bottles (for example soft-drink bottles) Cut the bottom off a plastic bottle.

2010-03-16T20:14:55+00:00By |Comments Off on Learn by doing – lesson ideas for learing about brass instruments.

Trumpet and Horn – basic ideas for showing about them in the music classroom

There are a few activities you can do which will make music lesson plans about Brass instruments in the music class lots of fun. Make a rudimentary brass instrument. You will need plastic beverage bottles (e.g. two-liter soda bottles) and sharp scissors or utility knife. Cut the bottom off a plastic bottle. Try to get

2010-03-15T20:12:53+00:00By |Comments Off on Trumpet and Horn – basic ideas for showing about them in the music classroom

Horn and Trumpet – great instruments to learn about in music class

Learning about brass instruments in the classroom will be enjoyable for the students with some of these activities. You can include them in your next music lesson plans about musical instruments. Make a rudimentary brass instrument. You will need plastic beverage bottles (e.g. two-liter soda bottles) and sharp scissors or utility knife. Turn the bottle

2010-03-14T20:10:53+00:00By |Comments Off on Horn and Trumpet – great instruments to learn about in music class

A music lesson about Trumpets and Horns

Learning about brass instruments in the classroom will be enjoyable for the students with some of these activities. These may help you to create your music lesson plans. The students can make simple brass instruments. You will need plastic beverage bottles (e.g. two-liter soda bottles) and sharp scissors or utility knife. Turn the bottle over

2010-03-12T20:07:23+00:00By |Comments Off on A music lesson about Trumpets and Horns

A lesson plan about the brass instruments

Here are a few Lesson Plan Ideas for learning about Brass instruments in the Music class. Make a rudimentary brass instrument. You will need plastic beverage bottles (e.g. two-liter soda bottles) and sharp scissors or utility knife. Turn the bottle over and cut off the bottom so it is completely open Try to get different

2010-03-11T20:05:42+00:00By |Comments Off on A lesson plan about the brass instruments

The Trumpet and French Horn – a classroom music lesson

Learning about brass instruments in the classroom will be enjoyable for the students with some of these activities. Make a rudimentary brass instrument. You will need plastic beverage bottles (e.g. two-liter soda bottles) and sharp scissors or utility knife. Cut the bottom off a plastic bottle. Try to get different tones by Buzzing your lips

2010-03-10T20:03:39+00:00By |Comments Off on The Trumpet and French Horn – a classroom music lesson

Learning about the Trumpet and the Horn in music class

Here are a few music lesson plan ideas to help you when you are next planning a lesson about brass instruments. Make a rudimentary brass instrument. You will need plastic beverage bottles (e.g. two-liter soda bottles) and sharp scissors or utility knife. Turn the bottle over and cut off the bottom so it is completely

2010-03-07T19:59:44+00:00By |Comments Off on Learning about the Trumpet and the Horn in music class
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