If youve had any trouble downloading our free resources or worksheets, this is the page to check out. 99% of problems can be resolved quickly and easily.
Our downloads are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format
This format is very common on the internet: in fact most computers these days will read these files without any additional software.
If you are having trouble viewing the files you may wish to try downloading and re-installing the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. That will usually fix the problem.
Sometimes the adobe acrobat reader has trouble running within your browser, as it is supposed to do. If this happens you can get around it by saving the file for offline viewing.
To do this simply right click on the filename and choose “save as” from the menu that pops up. (“save as” might be called “save link as”, “save target as” or “save file as”, depending on the internet browser you are using.)