In this episode of the Weekly Spark for Music Teachers, Janice Tuck talks about one thing that we all can control – and that is our mindset.
We’re not in control of a lot of things in our life – our students, our school administrators, and things that happen to us from day to day. However one thing we are in control of is our mindset and our attitude.
How do we react when someone asks us to do something?
Are you a “glass half full” kind of person… or a “glass half empty” kind of person?
We might joke about that, but actually this mindset – whether we choose to be positive or be negative about something makes a major difference to our life.
So in this podcast Janice offers three simple ideas for how we can nurture a positive mindset in our life. These are simple, applicable ideas that anyone can use to think more positively in their world.
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