A classroom lesson plan idea – "Stomp"

2010-03-15T07:10:10+00:00By |

Have the class watch a portion of a dvd about the group STOMP. Afterwards, the kids should form small groups and pick out unique objects from a box and create their own verison of STOMP. Near the end of class each group has to perform their creation in front of the class. It covers the

Classroom Games – The Maze game

2010-03-15T06:46:39+00:00By |

I have a game called the Maze Game. After I construct a maze on my classroom floor from music textbooks, the object is for one student to go through the maze blindfolded. Here is the fun part. Movement directions for the student are given through various instrumental tone colors such as sticks for right; triangle

Classroom Music Games – Dice Rhythm Game

2010-03-15T06:42:34+00:00By |

Find some small round tokens, about the size of a large coin. On each token draw or print a combination of notes…i.e. 3 quarter notes, a whole note, a dotted half plus a whole…any combination up to a value of 10. Create approximately 50 tokens, with values from 1 count to 10 counts. To play

The piano and its relative instruments – a classroom music lesson

2010-03-15T06:13:56+00:00By |

There are several other instruments which are related to the piano which are important for us to introduce to school students. They are the organ, celesta and harpsichord. Show and talk about the different aspects and characteristics of the keyboard instruments. The keyboard instruments are related to each other in that they are controlled by

A Classroom Game – The Rhythm Clock

2010-03-15T06:06:46+00:00By |

Draw a simple analogue clock on the board, leaving space around it for 4 beat rhythm patterns. If you have magnetic 4 beat rhythm patterns prepared, stick one at each hour. If you don’t have any, simply draw a 4 beat pattern in stick notation using whatever notation the class knows. As soon as you

How to make a lesson plan fun for elementary students

2010-03-15T05:08:56+00:00By |

If you’ve been a teacher of young children's classes you’ll know one very important thing: you always need have a lesson plan. Of course, that is if you want to end the day in a stress free fashion! A lesson plan doesn’t have to be complex, in fact experienced teachers can almost do it without

How to effectively learn music through using computer games

2010-03-15T04:14:08+00:00By |

Remember old fashioned piano lessons? Sitting up straight on the hard piano bench where the lovely Mrs Smith would give you a gentle tap on the back of the hand with a ruler if you didn’t curl your fingers properly! Well thankfully times have changed, and (we hope) that piano teachers no longer plan to

Simple ideas which will help you write lesson plans for music lessons

2010-03-15T02:06:17+00:00By |

An indispensable tool for music teachers is the lesson plan. They are very important to the success of both one lesson and the teachers career in general. There is nothing like the old saying “If you don’t prepare, then prepare to fail”. Once you have a bit of experience under your belt however, then preparing

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