Attention: Busy Preschool Teachers:

Get yourself a complete set of easy to use lesson plans, complete with all the music you need… and you can use them no matter how much experience you have!

What you’ll experience as a result of using these materials

Wonderful preschool music sessions where the children are engaged and enjoying themselves from the minute they walk into the classroom

Ideas and strategies that will engage even the most unresponsive of children and quickly get them singing and dancing to the music

Over sixty recordings of fun, engaging songs, which the children will LOVE to sing, play and dance to over and over again!

Massively reduced lesson planning time: as all you need to do is quickly review the activities and learn any songs you don’t know already.

Hear Some Music

Get Your Wiggles Out
Carol-Troutman Wiggins
Carman J. Price and Leslie Mounteney, vocals

Toot Toot Toot
Kevin Tuck
Carman J. Price, Vocals

Frequently Asked Questions

This is designed with two, three and four year old children in mind. Of course there are a lot of different needs in those age groups, and so that is why there is a lot of flexibility built into it. There are some easier songs that will suit two year olds, even sitting on their parents laps. PLUS…. there are also more active songs that are more suited to four year olds. Basically this is designed so you could do a class with any of those ages and adapt it to the exact needs of each class by changing a few songs and activities.

There are 8-9 segments in each lesson, which include between 8-10 songs. Therefore, the sessions should last at least half an hour, and could even go for 45 minutes if needed. Most people find that a preschool class will be somewhere between 20 minutes and 45 minutes. With 60 songs there will always be plenty of options to fill up a class with this program.

No, if you feel you can’t sing, then don’t worry… as we’ve recorded vocal and non-vocal versions of all tracks.

Of course there is nothing like the sound of a real human voice to a child, so we encourage teachers to sing as much as possible, which is why we provide karaoke-style backing tracks for everything.

However, we also provide tracks with the singing already in place, so you can just sing along with the singer on the recording if you wish.

No! We’ve tried to make this as easy to understand as we can. Preschool children don’t talk about music terminology like quarter notes and treble clefs…. and neither do we in this program!

Preschool children talk about ducks, cars and the big truck they saw on the way to music class! So that’s why we keep our program structured around every day things, and children sing, dance and have fun… all while they are learning!

You just need something to play the music with. That’s it!

Simply play the music from the included interface or mp3 files.

Yes, you will need some form of simple percussion instruments for these classes. The program is not too prescriptive, so it doesn’t really matter exactly what you have…. but you would be best to start with a few tambourines and shakers.

Yes! We have especially licensed recordings, which are able to be used in your classes for teaching and public performance with no further royalties payable. All the music is either public domain, or used under special arrangement with the composers.

$199 / year

Annual subscription