One of the most commmon questions we get here at the Fun Music Company is:
I don’t have an interactive whiteboard…. can I still use your materials?
I use ‘x’ brand whiteboard… can I still use your materials?
The answer, in both cases… is YES!
ou simply need some whiteboard software installed, and you can use it with any equipment.
A projector and a laptop works quite fine! All you have to do is go to the laptop to move something on the screen, rather than touching the screen, as you would on an interactive whiteboard.
The great people at Promethean allow ActiveInspire personal edition to be downloaded FREE. It has complete functionality, it is better than many other programs that cost a few hundred dollars, and most importantly…. It works with any equipment!
You also don’t need a whiteboard attached. You can run the program in its entirety just on the computer screen.
Therefore, if you’ve got a small class, then why not just use a regular computer screen: its just as easy, and you can still interact with it using a mouse or trackpad.
If you’ve got a larger class, simply hook up a projector so that everyone can see what you’re doing.
Things like the song, the practical performance activities, and the aural rhythm activities can be done by just clicking the play buttons on the laptop, then putting it aside and doing the activities with the class.