Critical Thinking: Practical Music Teaching Strategies

2021-07-26T08:41:36+00:00By |

Incorporating the Socratic Method and Critical Thinking in music education in schools involves creativity and a break from traditional classroom teaching strategies. What are the benefits of Critical Thinking? Critical thinking also known as the Socratic Method is based on the question-and-answer style of teaching accredited to the philosopher Socrates. Critical thinking in music education

Using Google Interactive's in the Music Classroom

2012-07-24T05:07:23+00:00By |

There’s a new music related Google Doodle on the scene that’s set to rival some of the most memorable Doodles yet! The doodle posted on the Google homepage recently was in honour of Dr Robert “Bob” Moog in celebration of his 78th Birthday. For those who are unfamiliar, he was the inventor of the Moog

10 Teaching Tips and Games for Using Music Flashcards

2012-05-24T06:00:29+00:00By |

Flash cards provide a fun and affordable method of teaching exciting new concepts. Whether playing a teacher-led instructional activity or encouraging cooperative learning activities in the classroom, teaching strategies using flash cards enhance memorization in a simple and effective way. Try these creative teaching strategies and fun flash card music games outlined below in your

Music Teaching Quotes

2023-08-30T08:41:22+00:00By |

Inspire your music classroom or studio with these music teaching quotes. Post them in your classroom, share music quotes with your colleagues, or add these inspirational music sayings to a band, choir or school newsletter. Music Quotes for teaching Music teaching quotes from famous people "You are the music while the music lasts."- T.S. Eliot

How Does Music Stimulate Left and Right Brain Function? Why is this Important?

2021-09-16T07:29:44+00:00By |

Music research indicates that music education not only has the benefits of self-expression and enjoyment, but is linked to improved cognitive function (Schellenberg), increased language development from an early age (Legg), and positive social interaction (Netherwood). Music listening and performance impacts the brain as a whole, stimulating both halves - the analytical brain and the

Five Classroom Movie Projects to Make Learning Fun

2012-04-27T02:59:48+00:00By |

Introducing video technology into the classroom can be a great way to engage kids, make learning fun, and help your students develop an interest in technology. Video is an ideal medium for your students to express themselves, and giving them a copy of their project after it is complete is a fun memento parents will

Whiteboard Music Lessons Module Two Released

2012-04-03T07:58:54+00:00By |

It’s finally here!! After months of writing, editing and revising, Module two of our Whiteboard Music Lessons - “Music Jam” series is now available for everyone to use. This level is much more comprehensive and detailed that we ever imagined it would be. The whole module contains over 280 interactive whiteboard slides broken down into

Teaching in the The Information Age Vs the The Industrial Age

2012-03-15T01:20:37+00:00By |

What “Age” do we teach in? I ask this because from time to time we have teachers come to us saying that some of our printable resources and fun sheets materials don’t exactly match up to our game worksheets. We have comprehension fill in the gap activities that fully match, but with each lesson topic,

Five Flashcard Activities For The Music Classroom

2012-02-16T01:09:33+00:00By |

We all know that flashcards are beneficial for our students- In fact studies (such as Kornell) have shown that flashcards help students work on memory skills and critically analyze their own learning abilities. But despite this strong evidence based on the advantages of flashcards, do we use them to their full potential in the music

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