What if I decide not to use it?

Like all of our products at the Fun Music Company……. We want you to “Test Drive” these materials for 90 Days Complete the order form today and get started tomorrow. You´ll see how Printable Music Theory Books will be invaluable in your repertoire of teaching materials. If at any time you feel that the small

2020-10-19T01:18:08+00:00By |0 Comments

How do I access it?

The files are in PDF format, printable from any computer with internet access. Access is via our easy to use Fun Music Company member’s area. You choose your own username and password, and can use these for any products you have with us.

2020-10-12T07:27:18+00:00By |0 Comments

What are the terms of the printing license?

The full legal license terms are available here if you wish to read them here it is in simple terms: You are allowed to print out as many copies as you need for teaching purposes, either in the classroom or private studio. The only restriction is that you may not sell, transfer, copy or otherwise

2020-10-12T07:26:25+00:00By |0 Comments

Do the books cover all styles of music?

These books are designed around the classical music theory syllabi of the major examination boards from around the world, as this gives us a structure and framework for the levels. However these are fundamentals that are relevant to every style, popular and classical. Where chords are referenced we use modern chord symbols and modern terminologies…

2020-10-12T07:24:48+00:00By |0 Comments
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