Music Education In The Media

2013-05-31T07:01:23+00:00By |

Music teachers are always aware of the impact that music education makes on their students- they see it everyday. However, does that mean everyone else in the local community always shares this opinion? Sadly, the answer is often no. The reality is that even if you’ve been teaching several years, students will still come to

An Amazing lesson from Child Music Prodigy- Ethan Bortnick

2013-05-31T05:35:53+00:00By |

When we’re talking child prodigies in music, one that springs to mind is a now twelve year old boy, Ethan Bortnick. This little boy is amazing having done more in 12 years than most adults would ever hope to achieve. He’s a certified Guinness World Record holder with the title of “The Worlds Youngest Solo

Learn from the BEST in Music Education

2023-09-11T10:37:11+00:00By |

Want to learn from the best in Music Education? Today I just wanted to give you a little ‘Sneak Peek’ at our Virtual Music Education Conference, so that you have plenty of time to plan for it in the next few months. We still haven’t finalized all the speakers just yet... and we are still

Why Music Education is so Important

2013-05-02T04:33:06+00:00By |

We all know that music education is an extremely important part of any child’s education,  otherwise why we would  we teach it every day! But how do you continue to demonstrate it to the community, your school administration staff and parents The answer is advocacy! And in a time of budget cuts, and less money being

Instrument Choices For Young Children In Schools

2013-03-06T12:20:21+00:00By |

Recently I had the privilege of talking with a reporter Margie Sheedy from Australian Newspaper, The Sydney Morning Herald on the subject of young children learning instruments in school as a compulsory subject. The topic has come about because an independant school in Australia has made learning an instrument a compulsory part of the school

The Benefits Of Music: A Free Music Advocacy Booklet

2023-09-23T07:56:33+00:00By |

Core education of the benefits of music in our schools and to the wider community is such an integral part of any music teacher's role. Usually, the wider community are not even aware of the impact that any music program can have on our children and schools- so it's always important to have a swag

New Research: Why It’s Important to Start Music Young

2013-02-05T03:12:17+00:00By |

Teachers and Musicians have suspected this for a long time, but now it’s official: “Early musical training can produce long-lasting changes in behavior and on the brain” This statement comes from a recent research study published in January 2013 in the Journal of Neuroscience. In the study, 36 highly skilled musicians were tested. The musician

The Three Big Benefits of Music

2013-02-05T02:33:25+00:00By |

Have you ever asked a parent what they would like for their children? When we ask questions like these, generally the answers are something like; I want them to be healthy.... to be happy... to be have fun! As a parent myself, I believe that music education for my child is right up there

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