About Janice Tuck

Hi there, I'm Janice Tuck. I’m a music curriculum expert, an ex-teacher with years of experience, and a person who loves to live life to the fullest! I’m so passionate about helping other teachers value their #1 commodity: TIME. My obsession is to help teachers live a healthy, balanced lifestyle where they don’t have to spend hundreds of hours in their own time planning lessons.

56: Feel like a fraud? What to do about those thoughts

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “I can’t do this” or “I’m not expert enough at this” or “I don’t deserve to be doing this” and then proceeded to melt into a puddle of self-doubt …You’re not alone!  ‍Many music teachers question whether they are prepared to do the work they do. Here’s how to

2023-09-21T02:15:22+00:00By |0 Comments

53: What do you really need to upgrade your music curriculum?The gifts and challenges

There’s no doubt about it.. These are changing times! And music curricula are changing. Here’s the thing: creating an upgraded music curriculum can be incredibly confusing and frustrating So it’s no wonder you might feel overwhelmed and overworked just thinking about curriculum and how to implement it into the classroom! So today I thought I’d

2022-09-01T04:34:54+00:00By |2 Comments

music composition lesson plan for grade one

Looking to create a music composition lesson plan for grade one, but don’t know where to start? Well read on ... Teaching composition when young children can barely read or play a note is hard! And most teachers aren’t trained in the area of composition and most teachers aren’t composers! So where do you start

2024-08-01T11:36:20+00:00By |0 Comments

The Power of embracing your NEW!

Have you ever been in that season of “something needs to change here”? It’s that feeling of balancing where you are now with climbing that “great teacher” mountain. It’s balancing that reality of what’s really going on right now with what you truly want. It’s about all the things you have to do to get

2022-07-28T08:19:02+00:00By |0 Comments

Four Fun and Inspirational Videos for Music Teachers

From gaining renewed inspiration to discovering new ideas and re-focusing, here are some  fun and inspirational videos to help recharge your music teacher batteries! 1. Never underestimate your impact as a teacher!  Watch this video of Adele being surprised by a teacher who inspired her. Adele only had this teacher for one year and yet

2022-06-09T05:13:52+00:00By |0 Comments

49: Could “Minding The Gap” work for you?

Can you remember when you were filled with thoughts, dreams and ambitions about the impact you’d create when you started teaching? That’s how most of us live our early lives - until the real world brings us back to reality and we start teaching in a school where we hit major obstacles. Whether your students

2022-05-19T05:16:28+00:00By |3 Comments
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