Keeping Students Engaged in Music Lessons

2011-06-18T12:30:10+00:00By |

I've just found  a very nice  article written by a talented K-8 music teacher, Monica Attel who shares some of here her best tips and tricks with teaching young children. In the article, she suggests that wearing hats works for her, because it's a way of providing a gimmick or a comic theme (referred to

Enjoy Singing with Vocal Warmup Songs

2011-06-16T00:24:47+00:00By |

Have you ever wanted to know how the best choral directors and trainers get the best out of their choirs? What they say? What they do? and How they make it fun? Well now here’s your chance to find out. Here at the Fun Music Company, we’re very excited to launch a brand new resource

Two New Music Advocacy Documentaries

2011-06-02T01:36:51+00:00By |

I’m always on the lookout for great music advocacy video’s and today, I’ve just found two new ones- just in time to watch over the US Summer break! Here are the trailers of them both. Gustovo Dudamel is always an inspiration to me with his conducting skill combined with his passion for music.This man appears

Do Musical Kids = Smart Kids?

2011-05-03T01:25:58+00:00By |

Do music teachers imagine that musical kids are smarter or is it real? Here is a link to an interesting blog by which refers to some great you tube videos, researchers and in the blog, she challenges you to prove her wrong! The article is called : Music Makes Kids Smarter- Prove Me Wrong and

Using Peak State in Music Education

2011-03-12T03:09:25+00:00By |

Last weekend we finished a Tony Robbins event in Sydney called “Unleash the Power Within” and have to say it totally rocked! It was a weekend full of energy, learning and being in an “active” state of mind . Because of it, I feel that we have acquired many new ideas and directions and over

A New Music Theory Worksheet Video Resource

2011-02-28T02:13:15+00:00By |

Part of our commitment at the Fun Music Company is to not only create great music teaching resources, but also to support you as you start working through the worksheets with your classes. We plan to do this with some quick videos that you can watch in just a few minutes, that will explain how

Why Jazz and Blues should be taught in the Music Classroom

2011-01-31T06:23:37+00:00By |

Since we’ve been making music teaching resources, we’ve found out through our surveys that topics like Jazz and Blues hardly ever get covered in the junior high school or middle school. Even looking back on my own personal teaching experience, I have to now ashamedly confess, it was a topic I never taught much either.

Resource for Teaching About Indonesian Music and The Gamelan

2011-01-18T05:23:00+00:00By |

This week I've just started to work on a new World Music project  which will consist of  teaching resources fact sheets, whiteboard presentations, fun worksheets lesson ideas and resources  for teaching music of other cultures from around the world. The whole resource pack is set to be launched on Thursday 3rd March, 2011. However, in

What to expect in Printable Music Theory Books Level Three

2010-12-02T04:35:00+00:00By |

Its nearly here! Its been over a year since we launched level two of our printable music theory books series, and we are really excited to announce that level three of this series will finally  be available next week! Our products always have a long development timeline, as we have a slightly different approach to

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