Making Music Worksheets effective in the music class

2010-03-29T19:39:36+00:00By |

There are a great many books and worksheets for the teaching of music theory available. Many of these are excellent, and well written and researched for the instruction of music theory. 
There is one thing that over everything else makes certain worksheets and educational materials more effective in this area. This one thing is an

What exactly ARE Music Theory Fun Sheets?

2010-03-29T06:23:41+00:00By |

What exactly ARE Music Theory Fun Sheets? Music Theory Fun Sheets are Worksheets designed for music teachers to use in music classes and for individual theory instruction. They are supplied in Digital Format so that you self print them - as many times as you need! Music Theory Fun Sheets are not normal worksheets because:

Frequently Asked Questions about Music Theory Fun Sheets

2010-03-29T06:14:05+00:00By |

General Questions How do I get access to these worksheets? When you purchase any of the modules of Music Theory Fun Sheets you get a username and password, which gives you instant access to a members only site where you can access and print the product. Why a members area? At the Fun Music Company

Learning Music for Music’s Sake

2010-03-28T19:51:32+00:00By |

There has been a lot of discussion around the Music Education community recently about the benefits of music education for children. There is a lot of talk about the “Mozart Effect” where the listening to certain types of classical music are shown to have benefits in ordering the brain and thus improving intelligence. Some have

Classroom Music Worksheets Renamed and Re-released today!

2010-03-27T05:49:01+00:00By |

Our team at the Fun Music Company has been hard at work for the last few weeks finishing off a whole revamp of one of our products, which was previously known as Instant Print Music Lessons. Several months ago we decided to completely revise and re-release this product, as we felt that the name "instant

Resources For Teaching Percussion in the Music Classroom

2023-09-11T10:39:49+00:00By |

Music Classrooms can often have loads of percussion instruments laying around. The question is what do you do with them all? Sure, you can play simple rhythms and percussion grids with them, but what do you do beyond this when your students are ready to learn bigger, more inspiring ensemble pieces? For a start, there

Substitute Lesson ideas – Musical Bingo

2010-03-22T07:37:51+00:00By |

For an emergency substitute lesson I have 2 bingo games. Both are purchased games with game cards and a CD. One game is made up of musical instrument sounds and the other is sound we hear around us. I use the instruments bingo for grades 2 -4 and the sounds bingo for grades K-2. I

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