Grade 3 Music Lessons

Are you teaching grade 3 music lessons? This article gives you an overview of some typical 3rd grade music lesson plans. It also shows you how you can implement them, no matter how much experience you have teaching music! What you need to teach Grade 3 Music Lessons You don't need massive

2025-01-15T19:03:07+00:00By |2 Comments

music composition lesson plan for grade one

Looking to create a music composition lesson plan for grade one, but don’t know where to start? Well read on ... Teaching composition when young children can barely read or play a note is hard! And most teachers aren’t trained in the area of composition and most teachers aren’t composers! So where do you start

2024-08-01T11:36:20+00:00By |0 Comments

How to teach the Beat Sequencer using iPads

There’s so much technology in the classroom information out there it can make your head spin. But, you don’t have time, the energy or the money to try promising everything to your students under the sun. You just want to know what works best, apply it to your teaching and get the results you need

2024-05-23T20:23:44+00:00By |0 Comments

Creating a fun Kindergarten Music Lesson

Have you ever wondered how to start with creating a music lesson for kindergarten?  Do you start with playing instruments, planning, writing, reading, ... etc?  In this article,  I will help you create a kindergarten music lesson and make it EASY and FAST to implement with your classes.  If you've ever been lost trying

2025-01-21T19:32:11+00:00By |0 Comments

3 Simple Steps to Teaching Remote Music

Even with all this craziness of the pandemic,  we still need teachers. We still need people who are looking to serve, lead and inspire. Basically the world needs you… which means you need to keep showing up and stay on top of your teaching, yet still look after yourself and your family. One of the

2021-03-27T07:23:03+00:00By |0 Comments

Introducing Music Appreciation to Elementary and Primary Students

Music appreciation enriches the primary classroom through discovery and sonic exploration. The simple act of music listening develops a child's language development and ability to "decode" the abstract (Eisner, Legg). Students that actively engage in musical performance, whether in the classroom or in the concert hall, exhibit increased cognitive ability and self-expression. (Schellenberg). Besides the

2025-01-21T18:56:47+00:00By |3 Comments

Music Ideas For School

If you’re teaching music at the primary or elementary school level and want some fresh ideas for teaching music in your school, we’ve created a free resource archive of music teaching ideas (including these 6 activities below) and all their accompanying resources designed to help make music easier to teach and fun for students to

2022-08-17T07:18:40+00:00By |1 Comment

Critical Thinking: Practical Music Teaching Strategies

Incorporating the Socratic Method and Critical Thinking in music education in schools involves creativity and a break from traditional classroom teaching strategies. What are the benefits of Critical Thinking? Critical thinking also known as the Socratic Method is based on the question-and-answer style of teaching accredited to the philosopher Socrates. Critical thinking in music education

2021-07-26T08:41:36+00:00By |7 Comments

Using Google Interactive's in the Music Classroom

There’s a new music related Google Doodle on the scene that’s set to rival some of the most memorable Doodles yet! The doodle posted on the Google homepage recently was in honour of Dr Robert “Bob” Moog in celebration of his 78th Birthday. For those who are unfamiliar, he was the inventor of the Moog

2012-07-24T05:07:23+00:00By |3 Comments
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